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The climate crisis that threatens life as we know underpins Western Capitalism and requires us not only to rethink our modes of production and consumption, but requires a systemic change which can only occur through a shift of our ways of relating to our environment and to the "other" (human and non human). As an attempt and invitation to find ways out of this exploitative system which commodifies life, and out of the hegemonic narrative which hierarchies knowledge, this project aims to shift this paradigm through creating a collaborative network of decolonial, horizontal exchange and co-creation. What can emerge from the margins and peripheries ? From youth with diverse backgrounds ? What do we all have to learn and to share? What can flourish from the radical imagination of arts and community building? 


Through a collective process with horizontality as our premise, mixing research and art practise in a 5 months project, we aim to envision other possible systems to live in horizontal and fertile ways. At the end of the program, we will work together to co-create a Living Art Installation materializing the collective research and reflexions. The program is divided in 3 phases:

1. Research

Every week for two months, an expert will be invited to share with the group their insights and research on knowledge production and power dynamics, decolonial approaches to the creation of art and other environmental relationships.

2. Horizontal sharing

Understanding that everyone has something to teach and something to learn, in this stage each participant will be invited to share with the group theories, approaches or artistic practices based on their interests and passion. These sessions will be setting the framework of the collective artistic project of the final exhibition.

3. Creation

Building on the previous phases, the participants will have one month to co-create artworks in any mediums that proposes other ways of relating to humans and non-humans, in the form of a Living art installation. The creations will be displayed in an art exhibition in Berlin Refugee Week.

Building on the previous phases, the participants will have one month to co-create artworks in any mediums that proposes other ways of relating to humans and non-humans, in the form of a Living art installation. The creations will be displayed in an art exhibition in Berlin Refugee Week.

Building on the previous phases, the participants will have one month to co-create artworks in any mediums that proposes other ways of relating to humans and non-humans, in the form of a Living art installation. The creations will be displayed in an art exhibition in Berlin Refugee Week.

Building on the previous phases, the participants will have one month to co-create artworks in any mediums that proposes other ways of relating to humans and non-humans, in the form of a Living art installation. The creations will be displayed in an art exhibition in Berlin Refugee Week.

Building on the previous phases, the participants will have one month to co-create artworks in any mediums that proposes other ways of relating to humans and non-humans, in the form of a Living art installation. The creations will be displayed in an art exhibition in Berlin Refugee Week.

Building on the previous phases, the participants will have one month to co-create artworks in any mediums that proposes other ways of relating to humans and non-humans, in the form of a Living art installation. The creations will be displayed in an art exhibition in Berlin Refugee Week.

Building on the previous phases, the participants will have one month to co-create artworks in any mediums that proposes other ways of relating to humans and non-humans, in the form of a Living art installation. The creations will be displayed in an art exhibition in Berlin Refugee Week.


Amateur, learning & emerging artists from a wide range of practices. Focused but not limited to:

  • young emerging artists 

  • Migrants and refugees

  • Women and queer identifying individuals

*the 2 and 3 stages are happening in person in Berlin, therefore we prioritise participants living there or with flexibility to join the sessions

*the 2 and 3 stages are happening in person in Berlin, therefore we prioritise participants living there or with flexibility to join the sessions

*the 2 and 3 stages are happening in person in Berlin, therefore we prioritise participants living there or with flexibility to join the sessions


The residency will give the participants:




A space of community to learn from 

one another - connect - and co-create.

An opportunity to tap into your skills, knowledge and passion and share them with the collective.

A chance to expand your artistic practice and co-create an exhibition.

A space to challenge hegemonic narratives, knowledges and collectively weave other political imaginaries.

Timeline and important dates

  • Application until 26 of February

  • Selection process & start of program early March

  • Program end last week of June 2024 with the exhibition in Berlin at Haus der Statistik

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